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Anderson Founders

Clint Coons, Esq.

Mr. Coons is a founder of Anderson Law Group and current manager of Anderson’s Tacoma office.

Toby Mathis, Esq.

Mr. Mathis is a founder of Anderson Law Group and current manager of Anderson’s Las Vegas office.

Michael Bowman

Michael Bowman, Esq.

Mr. Bowman is an attorney with Anderson Law Group and works from the firm’s Draper office.

Anderson Global Leadership Team

Dennis Day

Vino Rodriguez

Carel Maasland

Evan Baden

Anderson U.S. Leadership Team

David Gass

Lamar Lee

Tim Crawford

Todd Dorff

Rod Truman

Amy Griffith

Charles Rogler

Blanca Lemus

Valerie Vance

Anderson Team of Professionals

John Anderson

Rose Moore

Karim Hanafy

Chris Miles

Dutch Dochev

Meredith Pratt

Jonathon Evans

Amanda Wynalda

Preston Knight

Jeff Cottle

Gwendy Wolfe

Ghassan Jabali

EJ Mccaffrey

Josh Robertson

Lauren Robins

KC Ushijima

Chris Wade

Tyson Wade

Jason Zundel

Carter Coons

Phil Barr

Miranda Bilodeau

Amanda Breck

Troy Christiansen

Ryan Coon

Anderson employs over 400 world-class employees across many states.
Here are a few pictures from some of our team members and our company activities.

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